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Creative Ideas For Funeral Planning

Nov 21, 2022

Over time, there have been significant changes in how people view death and deal with their grief when a loved one passes away. At Morgan Funeral Home, we have noticed that families would instead celebrate the lives of their loved ones and then cry over their loss. This also means that people are now seeking creative ideas for funeral planning and doing things differently rather than having traditional services.

Creative Funeral Planning Ideas

Here are some creative funeral planning ideas that help add a special touch to an otherwise sombre event:

  • Give Away Books- If the person you cared about was a voracious reader, they probably had a sizeable collection of books; however, you might only sometimes have the space to keep all of them. One option for humouring the deceased is to give each attendee a book from the decedent’s collection. It's a way to honour your loved one uniquely.

  • Personalized Casket- Choosing a personalized casket is a great way to ensure that the person you love receives a fitting send-off. Most funeral homes today offer a variety of inventively made caskets, and you can find something that meets your needs, regardless of how complex or simple they could be. Additionally, you can have a casket styled per a particular theme or imprinted with a name or message to add a more personalized touch to the piece. 

  • Personalize The Order Of Service Booklet- These booklets are commonly distributed at funerals. The ones usually given out have a simple layout and feature a single picture on the cover. This is a fantastic chance to express your creativity and make something special. For the service, you might, for instance, compile several photographs of the deceased, add captions to each one, and print the resulting collage to hand out in the form of a booklet.

  • Give the Attendees Seed Cards – Handing out seed cards is a touching gesture, especially if the deceased loved gardening. The card is customizable and includes seeds so each attendee can grow a plant in memory of the occasion. Forget-me-nots are a standard option, and these small blue flowers are a well-known symbol of remembrance and are simple to grow and maintain. Tree seedlings are another choice because they will serve as a lasting memorial.

Orders for seed cards can frequently be placed online, and various businesses offer customized seed cards for numerous occasions. The funeral director could provide this service or, at the very least, be able to direct you to a company that can. For any additional details on funeral planning, contact Morgan Funeral Home. We can also help you preplan your funeral and include all the services you want. 

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