In Memory of






Condolence From: tina propper
Condolence: On the anniversary of Christine's passing i know it is a hard time being together is the best remembering you can do. It is something you dont get over you survive it and carry her in your heart. Love Tina .
Saturday December 13, 2014
Condolence From: Paul & Kyla Parkin
Condolence: So, so sorry to have heard of the news of Christine's passing. She was such a wonderful spirit. Our strongest condolences go out to you Mel, and Dougy and family. She's smiling down on you, no doubt. Love your friends, Paul and Kyla Parkin
Tuesday February 04, 2014
Condolence From: Executive and members of the Royal Canadian Legion Br 124
Condolence: Mel and family - our deepest condolences
Monday January 13, 2014
Condolence From: Gordon Lawson
Condolence: Jane...Mel and family... I am so, so very sorry for your loss...somehow I missed the news. My thoughts are with you all... Christine was such a wonderful person and special neighbour... love to you all....
Friday January 10, 2014
Condolence From: Cathie Runge
Condolence: Dear Mel and family,please know you all are in my thoughts at this very difficult time. Christine is a wonderful person, and remains so in God's beautiful garden of life.
Thursday December 26, 2013
Condolence From: Bob and Lisa Allen
Condolence: We would like to extend our deepest condolences to Melvyn and family for the passing of Christine. Even though we only crossed paths a few times, we feel as though we knew her through our late daughter, Angela's stories of her kindness and generosity. During Angela's relationship with Nic McClure (Christine's grandson), she became very fond of Christine. May your memories of Christine help you find peace. Bob, Lisa, Bobbi and Jannea Allen
Sunday December 22, 2013
Condolence From: Cheryl D.
Condolence: May you find comfort in the Bible and in the knowledge that others sympathize with you for the loss of your dear Christine. I have found the words at John 5:28,29 to be of some comfort: "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." (Also Acts 24:15) I hope the promise of the resurrection will help to console you and give you peace.
Saturday December 21, 2013